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Custom Night Guards

Life is a grind, but your teeth shouldn't be.

Looking For The Best Mouth Guard for TMJ? It’s Easier Than You Think

If you suffer from TMJ disorder, chances are it’s been recommended that you use a night guard to help, but it can be hard to know which one might be right for you. Not all mouth guards are equal in quality, durability, or effectiveness. But finding the best night guard for you and your TMJ is actually easier than it sounds when you keep a few key things in mind.

The top consideration when looking for the best mouth guard for TMJ is the fit. Because TMJ disorder is impacted by your jaw alignment, it is critical that your night guard fits properly. There are boil and bite night guards that you can easily get at your local drugstore, however, these tend to fit poorly and may even cause more problems. A custom made night guard is the best bet to ensure that the fit is perfect and will not create further issues with your teeth and jaw.

Another important aspect of finding the best night guard for TMJ is the material. A soft night guard offers the most comfort, but may not be as durable against heavier grinding and clenching. A hard night guard on the other hand offers superior durability, but some people may not find it as comfortable. There are also materials that offer a combination of both materials, with a hard exterior and soft interior that offer a balance of durability and comfort.

You may also want to consider price when determining what will be the best mouthguard for you. Drugstore options may be cost effective, but tend to not work effectively for most people. A night guard from the dentist is much higher quality and is custom made, but for many people the very high price might be far out of their budget. There is a third option that combines the quality of a custom night guard, with a much lower price. You can now get a custom made night guard for your TMJ online at Chomper Labs. It’s easy, effective, and won’t break the bank!

If you’re looking for the best mouth guard for TMJ there are many choices out there, but keeping our tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to choosing the one that’s right for you.

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